Session selection criteria is based in the following parameters:

DRUPAL VERSION: session proposals which are related with Drupal will have a higher priority if they refer to Drupal 8. Drupal 7 will have less priority, and so on. The exception here is that if the topic of the session goes across all versions of Drupal or that there is no solution for the topic being covered in Drupal 8, then the Drupal version won't be taken into account.

VARIETY: the selection committee will try not to repeat session topics within the following tracks:

  • Development
  • Testing
  • Systems administration
  • Theming
  • Business
  • Contributions / Mentoring
  • Work methodologies / Team management
  • Site Building
  • Marketing
  • Other

LANGUAGE: we hope to have half of the selected sessions in English. Therefore, session proposals that can be presented in English or Spanish will have more chances to be selected.

AUDIENCE KNOWLEDGE: the target audience of each session will be taken into account for building a schedule that contains the same amount of technical and non-technical sessions. Ideally, a non-technical person should be able to find an appealing session at any time within the schedule.

For technical sessions, the committee will also take into account the level of a given proposal in the following way: novice talks may be given in Spanish, but medium to advanced talks should be given in English.

NUMBER OF SESSIONS PER PRESENTER: session proposals will be evaluated regardless of whether they are proposed or not by the same person. If more than one session/workshop from the same presenter are chosen, the committee will ask the person if there is enough time to prepare them, and choose if this is not possible. A maximum of 2 talks/workshops per person will be selected.

The committee will evaluate positively that the session proposal complies with the Speaker Guidelines.

SELECTION COMMITTEE: the session selection committee has plenty of experience organizing Drupal events, and giving talks and workshops covering all the topics listed at the VARIETY section.

Patrocinadores Oro

Patrocinadores Plata
